Sunday, December 16, 2007
Being the lucky one!
"Dun eat heaty food, dun drink cold water, drink more water.... " - My Thian Nee
Not been feeling well for the whole day. Sore throat, running nose, headache and mild fever. It all started when i finish whole packet of M&M yesterday. Throat been itchy, inflammation is guess. Pharngitis! Aihz.....
However, I feel so happy cuz finally my thian nee is recovering. No more epigastric pain, heeeeee. So, she was there for me for the whole day, taking good care of me. I am like a first class patient, lying on the bed n she was the one tat do evthing for me, including tidying the kitchen n ordering breakfast! Specially prepared dinner including porridge, fried egg n ikan bilis! What more can i ask for, when i have such a caring n lovely gf? Yes yes yes, I'm boosting! Haha, cuz i have the best gf on earth. Heeeeeeeeeeee
今天,我理解了一堂宝贵的人生道理,一件困扰了我一整天的事!我知道,我更了解,两个人在一起,一定要互相信任和坦白!我很感谢你对我的坦白!我更明白,要生活得开心,就得抛开过去!要开始一段新生活,就不可介意一切的过去。 过去已经是历史,活在回忆里的人最痛苦!所以我们应该向前看,展望着未来,未来的精彩!就让我们一起开始一段美好的新生活,好不好?我只要永远地疼你,好好的爱你!未来的路,要有你我的真心,才会完美! 就让我们一起手牵手,一路地走下去吧!