Wednesday, November 22, 2006
The spirit of undead
Okok, i think i shall really update a bit since my blog are so dead nowadays. I am really too lazy and not in a mood to blog. Nothing much happen recently except for visiting Mangalore last week. For pictures, plz press on the link at the side. Go to Yuwei's or Huamin's blog and u will get all the picturers we took. My mind is really empty and blank at this moment. Staring at the monitor, i just couldn't figure out wat to type. Er........ perhaps....... nvm.
There are many things bothering my mind at this vr moment. Results, bike, studies piling up, frenz, flight ticket, apartment etc. My brain is really saturated le. Do not feed me with extra information. I just something simple. Real SIMPLE. Can i?
Well, I always believe Glass Looking Theory. There no such thing as complex or simple, it depends on how to take it. Without the comparision of complex, how would u know wat's called simple? Da da da da da....... i think i better stop crapping.
I dont want to be sad. "Tomorrow will always be better", which is my motto of life. But someone corrected me. She said, "Live today to the maximum, why bother to wait for tomorrow". Make sense? Deep? Nei han nei han. Haha...
Fine fine, I shall stop here. Take care and blessings.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
I have decided to post this entry in chinese. Sorry to those who cant read ya! Lol.最近真的被考试压的透不过气来. 你们看看我的考试时间表, 就知道啦! 难得挨了一星期, 本以为可以好好休息一天, 那知道却吃错了肮脏食物, 食物中毒, 上呕下泄了一天. 足足睡了12 小时, 才见好多了.
今天一早就起身了, 坐在书桌前想读书, 但脑和心不合作, 结果.... 无意间, 到了妹妹的blog. 看完了, 真让我感到一阵心酸. 从小我就和妹妹吵的没完没了, 不是吵架就是打架. 我总爱和弟弟一起欺负她, 排挤她. 如今我想回往事, 我都会很后悔, 后悔我这样子对待她. 我真的很希望对她说声对不起, 希望她能原谅我. 对我来说, 世界上没有一样东西是比亲情重要...
对了, 前天我的堂姐从UK回到Msia, 好羡慕! 我也很想回家, 我要回家!!! 想到我还得在这里度过农历新年, 真惨... 来了这里也快8个月了, 对这里的生活早已习惯, 只是难免会想家. 这算不算是游子的心情呢?
好了啦, 应该读书了, 考试可真烦!!! Take care everyone!
P/S: If ur pc cant read the chinese writing, Go to ur Internet Explorer --> View --> Encoding --> More --> Unicode (UTF-8)