Thursday, October 26, 2006
Block 3-Super-Stress-Building Package

This is the package that ppl in Batch 18 MMMC are going through for the next 2 weeks.

26/10 - Biochemistry Class Test 2 (Mission Accomplished!)
28/10 - Physiology Non-SDL Test (Mission Accomplished!)
31/10 - Histology Spotters (Mission Accomplished!)
02/11 - Anatomy Class Test 3 + Physiology SDL(Mission Accomplished!)
03/11 - Block 3 Gross Anatomy Spotters (Mission Accomplished!)
04/11 - Block 3 Physiology OSPE + VIVA (Mission Accomplished!)
07/11 - Block 3 Anatomy Theory Paper (Mission Accomplished!)
08/11 - Block 3 Physiology Theory Paper (Mission Accomplished!)
09/11 - Block 3 Biochemistry Theory Paper + Practical (Mission Accomplished!)
10/11 - Commencement of Block 4 and Hooray!!! (Started!)

Sit back and enjoy the Block 3-Super-Stress-Building Package!

FuYew wrote on 9:12 PM.

Saturday, October 21, 2006
Happy Deepavali and Selamat Hari Raya

First of all, Happy Deepavali and Selamat Hari Raya to all my frenz in India and also all my frenz back in Msia. May all of u will have an enjoyable festive holidayz!

Me too having 4 dayz of holidayz from saturday to tuesday. For ur information, saturday too consider a holiday cuz we normally have classes on saturday. Sienz... I am having 2 tests after the holidayz. So, basically this is just another study break rather than holiday. Furthermore, block exam is just 2 weeks away. If not bcuz of all the tests, I think we will be in GOA at this time. Right? Hehe

Hmm..... Dun feel like typing any further. Having mood fluctuation this few dayz. So, do take care all my frenz. I really miss all of u. Will be updating soon. Have a nice day!

FuYew wrote on 11:32 AM.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

我现在的心情就如同山峰跌到谷地. 为什么? 别问我, 因为我自己也不知道. 很多时侯, 自己想要的, 却不是你能够得到的. 俗语说: "人生不如意十之八九", 但你又能够如何面对, 如何接受残酷的事实. 明明知道不属于你的, 又何必强求呢?

开心也一天, 不开心也一天, 何不选择做个脸带笑容的快乐人呢? 吴富耀, 我知道你可以, 你一定可以!

Ok, enuff of all tat crap! Yeap, i was admitted to hospital for the past er.....5 dayz i think. From Monday morning till Friday night. Why? So called Viral Infection, Viral Fever. And it's really a severe one.

Severe Headache + Fever + Vomitting = Holy Shyt! The pain was really unbearable. Doctors come and go, without any dianogsis. We did all type of test like Malaria, Typoid Fever and Dengue. Wth? They took at least er...8 tubes of blood for different tests. It's 8 tubes. The worst part is when they say they cant identify my vein, prick here and there for so many times. And they even injured my vein. Finally, they come up with a dianogsis, Viral Infection. Viral Infection is sumthing like AIDS, there's no medicine to counter it. So, basically they give us paracetemol evday to reduce the pain. It take almost a week to clear the virus.

One of my fren, JoonKeat aka Tailou was too admitted. Exactly same symptomes. Headache, vomitting sensation and fever. Luckily he was there to keep me accompanied though it was me who disturbed him most of the time.

Throughout this 5 dayz, i really understand sumthing. When u r away from home, FRIENDS is the only people u could rely on. I am glad to have a bunch of frens who could take care of me when i am sick. A very big thanks you to Amu (My acting Mum in India, lol), Samuel, Huamin, Tzehau and the others who visited me. Thanks you.

Here's what i really wanna tell u all, deep from the bottom of my heart.
Amu: Thank u for being there for me when i am sick. You r truly my best sister.Thanks for stayin overnight with me in the freaking room for 5 dayz.

Samuel: I wouldn't imagine wat will happen if u did not accompany me to the hospital that morning. U too accompany me and Joon Keat for the long 5 dayz. You r the best! Friends who are with u when u r in trouble are true frens. And i am glad GOD sent u to me. Thank u my dear.

Huamin: Thanks for the porridge. And ur porridge are definately better than TzeHau's. Hehe! Thanks for evthing u did for me, and visited me evday. Love u lotttttt *hug hug*

Tzehau: Wei wei, the porridge tasted really nice. [Huamint, dun read this part, skip skip] Ur porridge is better than huamint, trust me! Thanks for the taking all the trouble to boil the porridge. Really aprreciate it. Never regret having u as a fren. *kiss kiss* [gayness......]

Robin, Yuwei: Thanks for visiting me evday. Being an inhibitor doesn't feel good. Sorry brother. lol. May all of us pass first year!

KitSze & Casey: Arigato Gosaimatsu. I know both of u are busy, but really aprreciate it and thanks for visiting.

All others who visited: Thanks for visiting and love u ppl. Mayb GOD bless all of u!

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FuYew wrote on 4:07 PM.